This article covers who can get the $500 Rent Assistance from Centrelink, how to apply, and when the payments will be made. Rent assistance is an extra payment from Centrelink to help eligible Australians manage their rental expenses. The aim is to help low-income renters cope with rising living costs and improve their financial stability.
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What is Rent Assistance?
Rent assistance is an extra payment from Centrelink to help people receiving social security payments who are renting their homes. This includes both private rentals and community housing.
$500 Rent Assistance Initiative
In response to the rising cost of living, the Australian government introduced a special $500 rent assistance payment in the 2023-2024 budget. This is a one-time payment given in two $250 installments, paid in July and August 2023, to help low-income renters.

To qualify for rent assistance, you must already be receiving certain social welfare payments from Centrelink. The amount of assistance you get depends on your family situation, income, and the rent you pay. Centrelink uses a rent assistance calculator to figure out how much you should receive.
How to Apply
If you’re already receiving social welfare payments, Centrelink will automatically check if you qualify for rent assistance. To update your rental details or personal information, use myGov, the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app, or visit a Centrelink service center.
If you need help or have questions, contact Centrelink for support.