The Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) will hold exams for those who applied for Constable jobs in Bihar. The Bihar Police Constable Admit Card is needed to take part in the exams and will be available online 10-15 days before the test dates. Candidates can download it from the CSBC website using their application number and password. No admit cards will be mailed.
Exam Dates:
The exams will be held on 7th, 11th, 18th, 21st, 25th, 28th, and 31st August 2024. Admit cards will be available online and must be downloaded using the registration number and password.
Key Details:
- Organization: Central Selection Board of Constable
- Post: Police Constable
- Vacancies: 21,391
- Exam Dates: 7th, 11th, 18th, 21st, 25th, 28th, and 31st August 2024
- Admit Card: Available 10-15 days before the exam
- Website:

Selection Process:
- Written Examination: Offline on OMR sheets, 100 multiple-choice questions based on the Matric level syllabus. Each question is worth 1 mark, with a total duration of 120 minutes.
- Physical Efficiency/Measurement Test (PE/MT): For those who pass the written exam, involving various physical activities.
- Final Merit List
Recruitment Process: The recruitment notification was released on 9th June 2023. Applications were accepted from 20th June to 20th July 2023.
Subjects and Marks Distribution:
- Hindi
- English
- Maths
- Social Science
- Science
- General Knowledge
Total: 100 questions/marks
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Details:
Events for Males:
- Running: 1.6 KM (50 marks)
- Shotput Throw: 16 pounds (25 marks)
- High Jump: 4 feet (25 marks)
Events for Females:
- Running: 1 KM (50 marks)
- Shotput Throw: 12 pounds (25 marks)
- High Jump: 3 feet (25 marks)
Admit Card Details:
The admit card will include the candidate’s name, roll number, exam city, and other essential details. Candidates must check all information and contact CSBC if there are any errors.
How to Download Bihar Police Constable Admit Card 2024:
- Visit the CSBC website (
- Go to the “Bihar Police” section.
- Click on “Constable Admit Card.”
- Enter your details.
- Download and save the admit card.
- Print a copy to bring to the exam.
For more information, visit the CSBC website: