2024 JobSeeker Payment Hike Announced

Starting in July 2024, the JobSeeker Payment in Australia will go up by $40 every two weeks. Now, single individuals will get $750 every two weeks, and couples will receive $1,300. This is one of the biggest increases in recent years, aimed at helping job seekers with the rising cost of living.

Age Pension Increase 2024

Centrelink Contact

Reason for the Increase

The government increased the payment because living costs, like housing, food, and utilities, have gone up. Jane Smith, the Minister for Social Services, said they want to support people looking for work during these tough times.

Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment

To get the JobSeeker Payment, you must be unemployed or working very few hours, actively looking for work, between 22 and Age Pension age, meet residency rules, and report your income regularly.

jobseeker payment increase 2024


How the Increase Will Work

Current recipients will automatically receive the increase starting in July; no extra paperwork is needed. The government will review the payment every year to adjust for inflation and other factors.

Future Plans and Support

The government plans to continue improving support for job seekers, including better job training programs, housing support, and other services. Jane Smith emphasized their goal to create a fair society by continually helping Australians who are looking for work.

The Importance of the Increase

This increase aims to provide better financial support as the cost of living rises, helping many Australians maintain stability while they search for jobs. It’s a positive step towards a more supportive and fair society.

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